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Pavilion handset
In the partial or total loss of a ear, a pinna prosthesis, artificially restores facial symmetry lost due to radical surgery for cancer, amputation for accident, burns or microtia grade 3 and grade 4.
The ear pavilion prosthesis allows the use of glasses, earrings or a hearing aid if necessary. It also helps the patient's orientation and balance by transmitting sound to the auditory system.
The fastening is done by means of osseo-integration implants and anchoring structure or a medical grade adhesive.
This technique is an alternative to reconstructing the ear through otoplasty surgery.
adhesive prosthesis
Pabellón auricular adhesivo
Pabellón auricular adhesivo
Adhesive ear
Protesis auricular adhesiva
implant prosthetics
Prótesis de pabellón sobre implantes
Prótesis de pabellón sobre implantes
Permite el uso de pendientes.
Prótesis de pabellón sobre implantes
Prótesis de pabellón sobre implantes
Prótesis de pabellón sobre implantes
Prótesis de pabellón sobre implantes
Prótesis de pabellón sobre implantes
Prótesis de pabellón sobre implantes
Prótesis de pabellón sobre implantes
Prótesis de pabellón sobre implantes
Prótesis de pabellón sobre implantes
Prótesis de pabellón sobre implantes
Protesis aurucular con implantes
Anatomical reconstructions using prosthetics
Jose Luis Roche Leuba
Valencia Spain)
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